Archive for the ‘English songs’ Category

The songs “Galway Girl” and “Love You Till the End” always reminds me of the beautiful days in Ireland.

“Galway Girl" is a song written by Steve Earle and recorded with Irish musician Shron Shannon, which was featured on Earle’s 2000 album Transdental Blues. A cover version of the song by Mundy and Shannon reached number one and became the most downloaded and the highest-selling single of 2008 in Ireland, and has gone on to become the eighth highest selling single in Irish chart history. “Galway Girl" tells the semi-autobiographical story of the singer’s reaction to a beautiful black haired blue eyed girl he meets in Galway, Ireland. The song appears in the 2007 film P.S. I Love You, where Gerard Butler’s character sings the song for Hilary Swank’s character. This was also sung by Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character to Hilary Swank.

Galway girl–lyrics

Galway girl–Mundy & Sharon Shannon

Galway girl–Gerard Butler

In the sorromantic film  P.S. I Love You,  the song “Love You Till the End” by the Pogues tells how deeply a man loves a woman. Simple, but pure.

Love you till the end–lyrics

Love you till the end–P.S. I love you


Carol Brown is a cynical song by Jemaine and Bret, describing how girls dump their boys. In fact, the idea originates from a classic song 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon. In other words, Carol Brown is an homage to the Paul Simon’s song 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, in which the singer suggests a number of ways that a man can escape an unwanted relationship.

In the MV, Jemaine pretends to play a small videotape editing console with a guitar neck attached to it. Bret plays a similar contraption consisting of a bass guitar neck attached to a video mixer console. Jemaine is accompanied by a chorus of women playing his ex-girlfriends. They sing about his many deficiencies as a boyfriend.

Teachers can ask their students in groups to complete the following missions.

  1. Write down the girls’ names in the MV.

  2. Describe how or why the girls dump the poor guy.

Carol Brown (Choir of Ex-girlfriends)

Exercise: Please watch the video of “50 ways to leave your lover” by Paul Simon. Figure out what is wrong with Jack, Stan, Roy, Gus, and Lee.

Somehow, the above two songs remind Ben of a Taiwanese song The Revenge of the Renewed Man by The Chairman. (新男性的復仇/董事長樂團)



Let her go

Posted: 2013 年 10 月 22 日 in English songs

It is said that women are sentimental creatures. True. Sometimes, girls cares so much about their beloved ones but in vain. Girls are heartbroken, considerning it the end of the world. On the contrary, boys usually take the rough with the smooth, thinking of it as the end of the day. No big deal, and not a problem. That is not fair, but you can’t help it.

Let her go is soothing, and somehow it exerts a positive effect through catharsis. Whenever you feel down because of parting agony or anything like that, you may listen to it at night; cry, if you want. Pick up your pieces because the show must go on.

From Wikipedia:

“Let her go" is a song written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Passenger. In early 2013, the song broke through in Europe and Oceania, reaching number-one in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland,Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, making it his first international success.




There is another beautiful song named “Let me go" by Avril Lavigne.

The Mom Song describes what a typical mom says to her kids every day in detail, which makes itself a masterpiece to practice the imperative mood. American comedian Anita Renfroe, a mother parenting three kids, parodied moms’ everyday nagging woven into Italian composer Rossini’s William Tell Overture. The Mom Song is known as William Tell Momism as a result.

 The Mom Song with captions

The Mom Song without captions

After the song shot to fame, Anita Renfroe received measurable feedback from the whole world and later The Dad Song was staged.

The Dad Song

Not surprisingly, the victims of The Mom Song responded to the parenting issue in the same way.

The Child Song

For your further learning, both men and women might be interested in The Woman Song regardless of some lyrics not decent enough for kids.

The Woman Song


Exercise: Please transcribe the following two songs

The Wife Song

The Husband Song

It wasn’t me.

Posted: 2013 年 10 月 09 日 in English songs
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The song “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy is perfect for learners to get a taste of diverse accents, despite the fact that its lyrics and MV may not be considered elegant enough for old-school teaching minds. Based on author’s teaching experience, learners (boys and girls) loved this song to the extent that some of them even memorized the lyrics and imitated the singers’ tones and intonations. Empirically speaking, the song is better taught at the level of senior high instead of junior high because junior highs may not be mature enough to focus on the features of accents or colloquial usage. Their attention may be diverted to the erotic side of the song and its MV, which is definitely not the purpose of teaching this song. What is worse, teachers may be haunted by phone calls from students’ parents for choosing the wrong song; surely it is not a part of their plan.


(Yo man) Yo (呦!老兄) 呦!

(Open up man) What do you want man? (開門 呀,老兄)你怎麼了?

(My girl just caught me) You let her _____ you?(我被我女朋友抓包了) 你被她抓包?

(I don’t know how I let this happen) With who?(我不知道我怎會讓它發生) 跟誰?

(The girl next door, you know?) Man… (隔壁那個美眉) 歐~

(I don’t know what to do) Say it wasn’t you( 我不知道該怎麼辦) 說那不是你

(Alright) (好吧)

Honey came in and she caught me _____ 女友開門進來,當場我被抓包

Creeping with the girl next door 與隔壁的美眉暗通款曲

Picture this we were both butt-naked 想像一下,我們倆光著屁股

Banging on the bathroom floor 在浴室地板上嘿咻的模樣

How could I forget 我怎麼會忘掉

That I had given her an _____ key 我有給她備份鑰匙

All this time she was standing there 當時她就站在那裡

She never took her eyes off me 視線停留在我身上


How you can grant the woman access to your _____ 你怎會給女人進入你屋子的權利

Trespasser and a witness while you cling on your pillow 闖入屋子並親眼看到這些

You better watch your back before she turn into a killer 你最好小心點,在她還沒殺人之前

Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner 在這種情況下你最好別亂叫人來

To be a true player you have to know how to play 要玩這個遊戲你得知道遊戲規則

If she say you’re not, convince her say you’re _____ 當她說你不忠,說服她你是同性戀

(另一版本: If she say a night, convince her say a day 當她說是晚上,說服她是白天)

Never admit to a word when she say 永遠別承認做過的壞事

Makes a claim and you tell her baby “no way” 當她有要求,告訴她“寶貝,不行”


“But she caught me on the _____ 但我在長桌做被她抓包(It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

Saw me banging on the sofa 看見我在沙發上嘿咻 (It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

I even had her in the shower 我們還在浴室做過 (It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

She even caught me on camera 她還拍照作證 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

She saw the marks on my shoulder她看到我肩膀的草莓 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

Heard the words that I told her 聽到我對別人說的情話 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

Heard the screams getting louder尖叫聲越叫越大聲 ( It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

She stayed _____ it was over 她目睹整個過程


Honey came in and she caught me _____ 女友開門進來,當場我被抓包

Creeping with the girl next door 與隔壁的美眉暗通款曲

Picture this we were both butt-naked 想像一下,我們倆光著屁股

Banging on the bathroom floor 在浴室地板上嘿咻的模樣

I had tried to keep her from what she was about to see 我試著讓她別看到這一切

Why should she believe me when I told her it wasn’t me 她憑啥相信我,如果我說“那不是我”


“Make sure she knows it’s not you and lead her on da right prefix確定她知道那不是你,引導她到你想要的劇情

When ever you should see her make da gigolo flex 見到她的時候就扮個舞男的騷樣

As funny as it be by you, it not that complex 盡量地表現幽默,這不會太難

Seein’ is believin’ so you better change your specs 眼見為憑所以你該換副眼鏡了

You know she not gonna be worrying bout things from the past 你得知道她不會為發生過的事煩惱

Hardly recollecting and then she’ll go to noontime mass 這些事很快就被遺忘,之後她會去望彌撒

Your answer: go over there 回她一句: 去!

But if she pack a gun you know you better run fast 但如果她拿支槍,你知道你最好快點落跑


“But she caught me on the _____ 但是我在長桌做被她抓包 (It wasn’t me) (那不 是我)

Saw me banging on the sofa 看見我在沙發上嘿咻 (It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

I even had her in the shower 我們還在浴室做過 (It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

She even caught me on camera 她還拍照作證 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

She saw the marks on my shoulder她看到我肩膀的草莓 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

Heard the words that I told her 聽到我對別人說的情話 (It wasn’t me) (那不是我)

Heard the screams getting louder尖叫聲越叫越大聲 ( It wasn’t me)(那不是我)

She stayed _____ it was over 她目睹整個過程


Honey came in and she caught me _____ 女友開門進來,當場我被抓包

Creeping with the girl next door 與隔壁的美眉暗通款曲

Picture this we were both butt-naked 想像一下,我們倆光著屁股

Banging on the bathroom floor 在浴室地板上嘿咻的模樣

How could I forget 我怎麼會忘掉

That I had given her an extra key 我有給她備份鑰匙

All this time she was standing there 當時她就站在那裡

She never took her eyes off me 視線停留在我身上


Gonna tell her that I’m sorry for the pain that I’ve caused 我得跟她說,我對我所造成的痛苦感到抱歉

I’ve been listenin’ to your reasonin’ 我聽了你編的理由

It makes no sense at all 有點太扯了

We should tell her that I’m sorry for the pain that I’ve caused 我們應該跟她說我對我所造成的痛苦感到抱歉

You may think that you’re a _____ 你可能自喻是箇中高手

But you’re completely lost 其實你是個超級遜腳


Honey came in and she caught me _____ 女友開門進來,當場我被抓包

Creeping with the girl next door 與隔壁的美眉暗通款曲

Picture this we were both butt-naked 想像一下,我們倆光著屁股

Banging on the bathroom floor 在浴室地板上嘿咻的模樣

How could I forget 我怎麼會忘掉

That I had given her an extra key 我有給她備份鑰匙

All this time she was standing there 當時她就站在那裡

She never took her eyes off me視線停留在我身上


It wasn’t me. (MV)

It wasn’t me. (lyrics with music)

It wasn’t me. (karaoke)